Healing Blueberry Ginger Oatmeal Recipe In Purely Fall Magazine

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So excited to be featured in Purely Fall magazine once again! This time, with my Healing Blueberry Ginger Oatmeal. The quarterly Purely Magazine is a collection of wholesome food for the belly and the soul. It’s free, so get your hands on it by downloading Purely Fall on purelyelizabeth.com

If you happen to find yourself feeling under the weather, or just have a craving for a warm breakfast that’s truly like a hug from the inside, this Healing Blueberry Coconut Ginger Oatmeal is for you. I only had frozen bananas in my kitchen (using frozen bananas in smoothies makes them creamier), so I knew I had to work around it… and it turned out delicious!
This immunity boosting superfood breakfast bowl has enough enzymes, protein, antioxidants and potassium to keep you energized for a few hours. To read about more benefits of bee pollen, which is one of nature’s most completely nourishing foods as it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans,  see this post on the Food Matters blog.  Let’s get cooking!


If you’re feeling the weather, or just have a craving for a warm breakfast that’s truly like a hug from the inside, this oatmeal is for you. I only had frozen bananas in my kitchen, so I knew I had to work around it, and it turned out delicious! This immunity boosting superfood breakfast bowl has enough enzymes, protein, antioxidants and potassium to keep you energized.

Healing Blueberry Ginger Oatmeal Alternative Toppings


Directions: Mix everything except banana in a pot and cook until ready. Then, top with banana, more blueberries, ginger, bee pollen and coconut chips, if you wish (I’m obsessed with Dang!), mulberries and kiwi can add a nice touch too. Enjoy the goodness!
Healing Blueberry Coconut Ginger Oatmeal