It’s National Kale Day: Kale, Fig & Blueberry Oasis Smoothie

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Today is National Kale Day! Held every first Wednesday in October, it is an annual celebration of eating, growing, and sharing kale throughout America. I suggest we make it a global kale day, what do you think, my Aussie and other international followers?

National Kale Day | Breakfast Criminals

As you probably already know from my previous posts and from the Breakfast Criminals eBook, I’m a green smoothie devotee and a HUGE fan of kale. If I were Beyonce, kale would be my Jay-Z. I don’t go a day without it – whether it’s in my breakfast smoothie, lunch salad, or afternoon kale chips snack.

Not only it is an incredible source of calcium, protein, omega-3, and fiber, but it also has the most fun texture (you have to massage it – what an intimate concept!), but it also, from my experience, keeps longer than, say spinach, arugula or spring mix.  Way to extend the life of your kale? Wash it, massage it, freeze it in a ziplock. Then blend it in smoothies as you normally would.

According to creators of The National Kale day,  “just a few cups of kale daily may have the power to battle cancer, inflammation, and low moods.” I’ll just go with the fact that it tastes right and leaves you feeling amazing! 

Here’s a recipe I created to celebrate one of my favorite holidays of the year (joking! Or maybe not. But it should be a national holiday for people to get together and create things from kale.)

Kale, Fig & Blueberry Oasis Smoothie | Breakfast Criminals


  • 2 handfuls kale (I used frozen kale)
  • 1/2 cup figs 
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 
  • 1 frozen banana 
  • 1.5 cup coconut or almond milk (I didn’t have either one, so took 1 tbs Dastony raw coconut butter and blended it with water to create coconut milk)
  • 1 tbs hemp seeds 
  • 1 tbs tahini 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 
  • Optional: 1 scoop Sprout Living Vanilla Lucuma plant based protein

Topped with fig, tahini and Emmy’s Organics raw cashew blueberry buckwheat cereal.

p.s. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate my friend Elise of Kale & Chocolate. It’s her day – I’m virtually sprinkling you with raw cacao nibs, darling! 

Kale, Fig & Blueberry Oasis Smoothie | Breakfast Criminals 


Everything seems extra special when served in a wine glass, right? ;)

Kale, Fig & Blueberry Oasis Smoothie | Breakfast Criminals