My Top 9 Superfoods and Adaptogens Right Now

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Top 9 Superfoods and AdaptogensWhat if I told you that there is a handful of nutritious ingredients that could revamp your food life and bring you powerful health benefits without a massive kitchen intervention?

And that those ingredients actually taste great, and can most likely be found at your local health food store?

As someone who spends most days in the kitchen testing recipes, making creative dishes, and inspiring others to live a more healthy (and delicious) life through social media, I have experimented with a fair amount of ingredients and superfoods.

Only the very best — in terms of nutrition, flavor and versatility — make it into the Breakfast Criminals kitchen.

Ready to dive into the nine nutrient-packed ingredients you should add to your next meal?

Thanks Healthline for publishing my article!

1. Mesquite

No, not the BBQ kind. The mesquite plant’s bark and pods have been used in South and North America for thousands of years as a natural sweetener. Its low GI (glycemic index) rating means it may help to balance blood sugar.

Mesquite is full of fiber and protein and has a dreamy vanilla-like earthy flavor. It’s great to use in smoothies and in baking, and it’s especially delicious when paired with cacao – try it in your mocha lattes or cacao concoctions.

2. Cordyceps

If you’ve not yet added mushrooms into your diet, it’s time to change that.

Medicinal mushrooms have been consumed by humans for thousands of years, and science has been revealing more and more benefits that the mushroom kingdom has to offer to the vitality and health of humans, as well as the planet. Cordyceps have been used in Chinese medicine for many years to treat fatigue, low sex drive, and other conditions.

When buying cordyceps, look for full-spectrum powder and add it to your lattes or smoothies if you’re looking to optimize exercise performance, encourage heart health, lower inflammation, and potentially help manage type 2 diabetes.

There are even studies that show that cordyceps can slow down the growth of tumors. If you’re curious to learn more about the mysterious and powerful mushroom kingdom, check out this podcast interview I did with mycologist Jason Scott.

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