5 Healthy Living Truths I Learned At MindBodyGreen HQ

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MindBodyGreen HQ Event with SmartyPants

This evening (on the eve of my first MindBodyGreen post going live, yay!) I had such a wonderful time my my Strala girls – Elena Kul Healthy You, Anna Gannon and Tara Stiles – getting to know MBG founder Jason Wachob, Woodson Merrell, M.D. (author of  “The Detox Prescription”) and Courtney Nichols Gould of SmartyPants. These super knowledgeable people have tried many health fads, meal plans and food philosophies, and in the end, all of them seem to have the healthy living thing down. Here are the five things I learned from the discussion:

  1. Love and spiritual connectivity is the most important thing in life. If you don’t have that area life fulfilled, no diet, no exercise and no juice cleanse will make you a happier person.
  2. Be more accepting of yourself. Judge less. Ate a cookie? It’s fine. Missed a workout? Don’t stress about it.
  3. Morning is the most important part of the day (DUH!). Hence, start it with a proper breakfast meal :)
  4. Meditation is life-changing. When you do it every morning, you will see the results affecting all areas of your life.
  5. Listen to YOUR body. There are a lot of diets and food philosophies out there, but the only thing that matters is what works for you. Tune into your body, and ask yourself how you feel after a meal. The most important knowledge you need is already within you.
MindBodyGreen HQ Event with SmartyPants
My kind of bar. #EvolutionFresh juices

Here’s a bonus tip from Dr. Merrell! When Jason asked him what the main (approachable) things you would recommend to anyone who wants to make their life healthier would be, his answer was this:

  1. Exercise
  2. Meditate
  3. Eat healthy (but don’t stress too much about it)
  4. Reduce stress
  5. Reduce toxins
  6. Get proper rest

Thank you MindBodyGreen for creating amazing connections between like-minded people, and for always provoking meaningful questions.